Sunday, March 13, 2011

1001 Reasons, Part Four

This months's thankfulness theme: things anyone can be thankful for, not just me - except that the truth is that people all over the world don't have a lot of these things. Some of them, thankfully, every living person has.

64. Safe, clean drinking water.
65. The ability to see (This is something I've never ever taken for granted, because I've always been scared that I'll eventually lose mine. My vision has deteriorated steadily for 12 years now.)
66. The fact that you're breathing.
67. Someone loves you.
68. Warmth and blankets.
69. The internet.
70. People who are wiser than us.
71. People we can bless with our own wisdom.
72. Prayer.
73. At the risk of sounding kind of harsh, considering recent events, thank your lucky stars that your house wasn't just leveled by an earthquake or a tsunami - or, for that matter, a tornado, flood, hurricane, or terrorists.
74. Good health.
75. The ability to think.
76. Walking.
77. Hearing.
78. Hugging.
79. The sun.
80. Your second chance. There's always a second chance, this side of death.

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